To the Moon

Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien Huang

Fri 12 July, 2019

Sat 20 July, 2019

  • About the show
  • Reviews

Fifty years after man first landed on the Moon, Laurie Anderson flew us all there with this new work, developed with fellow artist Hsin-Chien Huang. Presented in the intimate Studio at the Royal Exchange Theatre, To the Moon had two parts: an ambitious, dreamlike VR experience that takes us on our own lunar exploration, and an accompanying installation featuring film, images and music. Created as part of Anderson’s MIF19 residency, To the Moon is a special opportunity exploring the ideas and inventions of this singularly brilliant American artist ahead of the new work she’ll be premiering and presenting at The Factory, the future home of MIF.

Find out more about the To the Moon project with our immersive experience here.

Commissioned and produced by Manchester International Festival. To the Moon VR experience commissioned by The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark; The National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan; and National Taiwan Normal University.


Image Credit: Tarnish Vision

The moon is not here a geological curiosity or next frontier but instead a yardstick against which to measure human grief (we must undertake the journey alone), love (it revolves at one point around a rose-shaped cluster of galaxies) and hubris (Anderson’s voiceover says that she is drawn to the stars because ‘we cannot do them any harm’).

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... underpinned by the almost timeless notion of adventure, the dreams of space that have inspired humans for centuries.

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