The Old Woman

Robert Wilson returned after the success of The Life and Death of Marina Abramović (MIF11) with an adaptation of a short story by the renegade Russian writer Daniil Kharms. The result was impossible to define. Dance, theatre and astonishing visual design combined for a surreal 90 minutes of sensory overload – but The Old Woman was also warm, funny and heartbreakingly human. Since its world premiere at MIF13, the show has travelled around the world.

‘Robert Wilson’s lucid production… is a revelation… Baryshnikov and Dafoe are superb, managing to wring the pathos out of each of their bizarre encounters. We leave the theatre like awestruck victims of a magic trick, asking ourselves: how did they do that?’ The Financial Times

A Baryshnikov Productions, Change Performing Arts and The Watermill Center project. Commissioned and produced by Manchester International Festival, Spoleto Festival dei 2Mondi, Théâtre de la Ville-Paris/ Festival d’Automne à Paris and deSingel, Antwerp.