The Fountainhead

Based on the book by Ayn Rand

Wed 10 July, 2019

Sat 13 July, 2019

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Ivo van Hove brings his Internationaal Theater Amsterdam ensemble to The Lowry to perform his most controversial work. The Fountainhead is a gripping adaptation of Ayn Rand’s uncompromising 20th-century classic, a major inspiration for libertarian politicians on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Fountainhead is a portrait of Howard Roark, a brilliant young architect who rejects easy routes to commercial success in favour of innovation and independence. It’s ‘a war of ideas’, in Van Hove’s words, encompassing art and architecture, commerce and capitalism. But it’s also a passionate hymn to individualism – and a dark, violent love story. Presented as a pre-Factory event, The Fountainhead received its UK premiere at MIF19.

Contains scenes of an adult nature and sexual violence.

Produced by Manchester International Festival, De Baile and Internationaal Theatre Amsterdam. Supported by the Forum on European Culture

Photos: Jan Versweyveld



Image Credit: Tristram Kenton

When van Hove is in full flight – taking you to the top of a New York skyscraper, letting the light seep in from a massive plate glass window as the shadows lengthen, blowing up a building with an explosion that sweeps the stage – there is no one like him.

What's On Stage

So far The Fountainhead is my recommendation of the festival, if you see anything, see this.

Manchester's Finest

By Ayn Rand
Directed by Ivo van Hove
Internationaal Theater Amsterdam

With Janni Goslinga, Aus Greidanus jr., Maarten Heijmans, Hans Kesting, Hugo Koolschijn, Ramsey Nasr, Frieda Pittoors, Halina Reijn, Bart Slegers
Translation – Jan van Rheenen, Erica van Rijsewijk
Adaptation – Koen Tachelet
Dramaturgy – Peter van Kraaij
Scenography & Light Design – Jan Versweyveld
Composer –Eric Sleichim
Costumes – An D’Huys
Video – Tal Yarden
Music – Bl!ndman (drums) Yves Goemaere, Hannes Nieuwlaet, Christiaan Saris
Private producer – Emmerique Granpré Moliere