Sir John Tavener

This sublime evening saw the world premieres of three new pieces composed by Sir John Tavener, including one written especially for MIF’s Sacred Sounds Women’s Choir. Building on the legacy of Sacred Sites in 2011, MIF Creative invited women from faith communities across Greater Manchester to come together and explore the musical traditions of a range of different faiths – and since this wonderful evening, the choir has gone from strength to strength. A transcendent duet by cellist Steven Isserlis and Sufi singer Abida Parveen in Tavener’s Mahamatar was a fitting tribute to one of the UK’s greatest composers.

‘Very occasionally a performance is so special that the audience feel reluctant to shatter the moment which hangs in the air between them and the musicians with something as profane as applause’ The Independent

Commissioned by MIF Creative. Produced by Manchester International Festival. Supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, PRS for Music Foundation, Faith Network for Manchester and MIF Commissioning Circle.