Once Upon a Story

Belgian theatre director Inne Goris left standard theatre spaces behind and hosted the world premiere of ZigZag ZigZag, her new work for 9-11-year-olds, at Crossacres Primary School in Wythenshawe. The show then travelled to schools across all ten Greater Manchester boroughs, and nearly 600 children had the chance to experience this beautiful story about friendship and loss in their own schools.

ZigZag ZigZag was just one of a quartet of works directed by Goris for MIF13: Manchester Town Hall hosted the UK premieres of Once Upon a Time (for children aged four and over) and Long Grass (for over-15s), along with some additional performances of ZigZag ZigZag; while Daydream (for over-threes), a beautiful musical installation originally commissioned as part of MIF11’s Music Boxes, made a welcome return to MIF in Festival Square.

‘It was a real privilege to host ZigZag ZigZag in our school. The majority of our children come from significantly disadvantaged backgrounds. It is really important for their cultural development for them to be made aware of the opportunities that the arts can offer to them’ Teacher, Crab Lane Community Primary School

Commissioned by MIF Creative, LOD|music theatre, ZEVEN, Crying Out Loud, Juice Festival and Norfolk & Norwich Festival. Produced by Manchester International Festival, LOD|music theatre and ZEVEN.