do it 20 13

During MIF13’s most democratic event, Manchester Art Gallery was a hive of artistic activity, with works being realised not by artists but by audiences. From Ai Weiwei and Peter Saville to Douglas Coupland and Yoko Ono, 150 artists contributed instructions that visitors to this vast, energetic exhibition were invited to follow. Seizing the imagination of the city, do it 20 13 saw gallery-goers participate by drawing, cooking, climbing and smiling. Manchester shoppers were also caught up in the action when Manchester Arndale played host to Theaster Gates’s instruction How to Catch the Holy Ghost or Get Arrested in a Shopping Mall.

‘A large, lively and thoughtful show… great opportunities to have fun – and make an absolute spectacle of yourself’ The Guardian

Commissioned and produced by Manchester International Festival and Manchester Art Gallery. Developed in collaboration with Independent Curators International (ICI), New York.