David Lynch: The Power of Transcendental Meditation

“When I had my first meditation, this inner bliss revealed itself so powerfully – thick happiness came rushing in. And I said, ‘This is it.’ There it was. And everything just got better and better.” David Lynch

This was a panel discussion including David Lynch (via video link), musician Tim Burgess and Deirdre Parsons, executive director of the David Lynch Foundation UK, on an exploration of Transcendental Meditation which took place at HOME.

Focussing on the last 40 years, the talk explored how researchers have worked hard to test the effectiveness of ancient wisdom practices, including Transcendental Meditation. A number of studies have shown benefits in lowering stress, blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, drinking and anxiety. The fact that practising meditation is good for combating depression is becoming well-established. The modern-day resurgence of Transcendental Meditation is often attributed to the work of David Lynch, whose foundation teaches Transcendental Meditation techniques to a number of at-risk groups.

What are the practical manifestations of Transcendental Meditation? Is it a method for the masses? Can it really help with society’s growing mental health issues?

Presented in association with the David Lynch Foundation UK. With thanks to Guardian Live.