
Musician and producer Chris Clark has built a peerless body of work over the last decade and a half, covering everything from TV soundtracks and art installations to eight albums for the ever-influential Warp Records. Now based in Berlin, Clark rarely plays live in Manchester, which made this one-off MIF17 exclusive, featuring dancers and choreography from Melanie Lane, a must-see for fans of his dark, dystopian and restlessly inventive electronica. The evening opened with a DJ set from Manchester post-bass heroes Indigo and Synkro, collectively known as Akkord.

Curated by Mary Anne Hobbs for MIF17, Dark Matter was eight immersive shows from pioneering national, international and Manchester-based musicians.

The noise stopped, stalled and slithered back and forth like a deprogrammed HAL before reconstituting itself in a climax that is more of a welcome back to planet earth than an adrenalin rush that leaves you up in the air State of the Arts


Image credits: Tarnish Vision, header image provided by artist