Purpose of this policy

This policy applies to all people working with Factory International in whatever capacity: paid staff; volunteers; sessional workers; freelance workers; agency workers or contractors; students; trustees; donors; sponsors and suppliers, interns, placements, artists or anyone else working on behalf of Factory International.

The purpose is to:

  • To protect children and adults at risk who engage with our organisation. This includes the children of adults who work or participate with us
  • To provide Factory International staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that support and guide our approach to safeguarding and the protection of children and vulnerable adults

Factory International believes that children, young people and adults at risk should not experience abuse of any kind. As a society, we all have a responsibility to promote their welfare and to keep them safe. We are committed to providing safe spaces and activities that consider their physical and emotional wellbeing that promote equality and diversity and that support their development. They will be referred to as children and adults at risk throughout this document.