Casting at Manchester International Festival

Manchester International Festival commissions new work from across the spectrum of performing arts, visual arts and popular culture. Consequently, we do not have a standard method for casting our productions. However, we ask our artists to consider the following:

  • We ask all artists to have an initial meeting with the Festival Director and project Executive Producer/Producer to agree the overarching aims for casting the project and to agree a timeline for casting.
  • We will agree a choice of Casting Director to cast each project in line with this policy document.

Casting Policy

  • We ask that all casting at the Festival reflects the diversity of the city of Manchester and the wider population.
  • We expect those casting productions to undertake proper engagement with the widest possible community of actors and performers.
  • As a Festival deeply rooted in the city of Manchester, where the material is reflective of the area, we encourage artists to work with actors from the North West. As an international Festival, we also welcome casting which provides opportunities for international artists to work in Manchester.
  • As an interdisciplinary Festival, we will support artists to think outside of the field in which they currently work and to explore artists from other performance backgrounds.