New support announced for Manchester creatives

We announce two new initiatives to support Greater Manchester creatives.


MIF Sounds

Manchester is known around the world as a great music city, from musicians, DJs, and producers to record labels, gig promoters and venues. Like the rest of the cultural sector, the music scene has been badly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

New initiative MIF Sounds will benefit ten Greater Manchester music industry creatives and practitioners to develop new projects. From recording music, presenting a socially distanced gig, releasing a record or starting a new label imprint – we want you to apply.

MIF want to support the next generation of Manchester’s music industry who have been affected by the pandemic, to continue to create work. Maybe you need help to make or complete a recording project or you are a label promoting new releases or you are working in production and have a new piece of technology you want to advance. Perhaps you are a promoter looking for support to present a socially distanced gig with a small audience with a live stream, or you just need some headspace and some time to make new music. We want to hear from you. Jane Beese, Head of Music at MIF

Festival in My House… And Yours

Since 2016 MIF has been working with local people to create micro-festivals in their own homes with Festival in My House, helping bring neighbours and communities closer.

Over lockdown we’ve moved this programme online to become Festival in My House… And Yours, with local artists and creatives supported to host digital events from voguing parties, to poetry performances and disco cookouts.

We’re now looking to help six Greater Manchester based artists, working in any genre and any style, to develop projects for the new online series of Festival in My House… And Yours, using art and creativity to shape fresh ways of finding intimacy in our post-COVID-19 world.

“We’re really excited to offer these opportunities for creatives to develop and create work in these current times. From financial support, mentorship and learning new skills, we’re investing in artists across Greater Manchester, and passionate about building long lasting relationships as we head towards MIF21 and The Factory.” Punam Ramchurn, Talent Development Manager at MIF

These opportunities are open to anyone over 18 that lives in Greater Manchester.

Find out more about MIF Sounds and apply here by Friday 2 October.

Find out more about Festival in My House… And Yours and apply here by Thursday 8 October.

MIF Sounds and Festival in My House… And Yours builds on our activity in support of the local artist community during lockdown. Find out about the Remote Residencies series, come along to an Artist Drop-in session and learn about involvement in the GM Artist Hub.



Photo credit: Tarnish Vision