Your canvas

For four weeks or more every year, the vast spaces of Factory International will be handed over to cohorts of up-and-coming artists who want to explore working at epic scale.

We'll support local artists who may be relatively early in their development, but have big dreams; and artists from across the globe who may already be working successfully but haven’t had access to these kinds of spaces. There won’t be a pressure to put on shows, instead there will be an opportunity to play and imagine. Some of these residencies will turn into full productions, and every year at least two Manchester artists or companies will be given full productions at Factory International.

Some of our Artist Takeovers will be curated, others will have open calls. You can register your interest below.

We will make a particular effort to provide these resources to artists from communities that are under-represented, particularly in the world of large-scale work. These opportunities will be for artists from all disciplines – especially anyone who wants to collaborate with creatives from other fields.