Let's work together

There have been several successful collaborations with our community over the years. Take Looking Forward to Tomorrow, for example: Greater Manchester residents working together for a year (much of the time online during the Covid pandemic) to programme and host two days of talks, debates and workshops on equality and the environment at MIF21.

Our Festival In My House series involved international creative programmes developed by Greater Manchester residents and presented in their own homes!

Group photo of young people inside a bedroom with audio equipment and instruments

Festival in My House, Parisian Punk Tarnish Vision

Festival in My House invites Manchester and Greater Manchester residents to host their own micro-international festival in their local area. We’ve helped people present everything from slam poetry to classical music in homes and neighbourhoods across Manchester.

  • M8 Festival

    For the first FIMH, Cheetham Hill resident Yatie Aziz curated a celebration of Asian, Latin American and African-Caribbean cultures and traditions.
  • Mehndi Festival

    For the second FIMH, Levenshulme resident Nija Dalal-Small invited 10 Manchester artists to create brand new contemporary designs inspired by mehndi.
  • New Islington Sessions

    For the third FIMH, Leo Mercer turned his high-rise apartment into an intimate Festival venue.