A boy in a green t-shirt with his back to the camera flies a kite in a park. The sky is blue with some clouds and in the background other people are looking up at the kite.

Photo by Chris Payne

About our community partnerships

Factory International is piloting 12-month Community Partnership agreements, worth £10,000 each, with four charities and non-profit organisations in Greater Manchester. Our goal is to find the best way to make a bigger difference together in local areas. Supported by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

We’ll work with each organisation to improve our knowledge and understanding of communities, opening up a direct and honest dialogue with local people and community leaders so the range of voices from across the region are heard and reflected across our wider programme. Our Community Partnerships Programme aims to create more equitable relationships and meaningful collaboration between community groups and Factory International and to reduce inequality of access to arts and culture.

We hope the 4 organisations in this initial pilot will become critical friends and form part of a wider network of organisations, who all share our ambition of making Manchester a greater place to live, as well as a leading creative and cultural hub; where we invent tomorrow, together.

This is part of a wider Creative Engagement Programme that aims to work with Manchester’s communities at a critical time and to reach many who face inequality of access to high quality artistic experiences - groups whose voices are not heard, nor their lives reflected, within mainstream cultural venues, productions and programmes.

The open call for this programme is currently closed, but please do keep an eye on this page as we share the stories of the 4 pilot organisations and for more partnership opportunities.

Want to partner with Factory International in your community? Contact creativeengagement@factoryinternational.org.

Supported by:

What we're committed to:

-Supporting local communities at a time of need

-Building trust, sharing skills and open dialogue with community organisations

-Opening doors to share opportunities, to create work and be involved in Factory International, employment, training and more

-Increasing access to art and culture and provide opportunities for local people to participate, create and collaborate, with us, in engaging ways that are responsive to community need

-Raising awareness of Factory International and MIF, and ensuring community voice is heard and reflected in our programmes and commissions

three people chatting and laughing at a community event
A lady flying a kite

What we will do:

-Factory International will offer financial support of £10,000 paid via 4 instalments over 12 months

-Co-design a contract with the community organisations, tailored to their needs

-Offer capacity-building support agreed upon in the co-design process

-Genuinely listen to feedback and reflect this back in our programmes of work

-Ask for honest discourse around Factory International from communities and local people

-Work with communities in their spaces to increase opportunities and arts provision locally

-Actively seek ways that we can support communities in line with local needs