The Killing of George Floyd

The killing of George Floyd has brought many responses: shock, hurt, anger, fear, and much more, and we’ve been thinking hard about what we as an organisation might do.

We utterly condemn George Floyd’s killing and recognise the histories of structural racism that made that killing possible. We acknowledge the hurt and rightful anger that Black people and other people of colour feel around the world – not just because of this killing, but also the violence and many injustices they face every day.

At MIF we aim to support artists and communities to express their hopes, fears and aspirations about the world. We believe in the power of people coming together in the pursuit of justice and will be working with artists, staff and communities of colour over the coming days, weeks, months and years. We stand with you, as you speak out and will use our networks, here and overseas, to support this global struggle and to be part of the change.

Black Lives Matter.