Music stars come Together to support mass doorstep singalong

A host of top musical talents are lending support to Together In One Voice, a mass doorstep singalong on Thursday 28 May at 7:30 pm, which will be streamed via MIF LIVE.

Liam Gallagher, Mark Owen of Take That, James’ Tim Booth, Emeli Sande, Mike Pickering from M People, Tom Walker, Denise Johnson, Liam Fray from The Courteeners and the city’s newest star Aitch are encouraging Greater Manchester residents to sing along to a curated playlist of hits from their doorsteps and windows, in a celebration of the importance of community in these unprecedented times.

They will also be appearing on screen at the event, alongside other well-known Manchester faces from the world of entertainment, to introduce the live renditions of their music sung by the public, and a recorded soundtrack featuring performances from virtual community choirs from across the city region.

The specially-arranged soundtrack – which includes Take That’s Shine, Martha and the Vandellas’ Dancing In The Streets, Emeli Sande’s You Are Not Alone, James’ Sit Down, Oasis’ Wonderwall, M People’s Search for The Hero and Tom Walker’s Leave a Light On –  will be streamed on the night for people to join in with in via MIF LIVE and also broadcast on BBC Radio Manchester.

Tim Booth of James said: “Events like these are critical right now for the community and I am keen to support people in any way I can.”

Tom Walker said:  “It’s great to be part of Together in One Voice, Manchester has been such a massive inspiration to me over the years’

Around 20 different community choirs and 30 musicians from across the city region have spent the last few weeks recording themselves playing their instruments and singing their parts in isolation in their own homes. Each of these individual vocal and musical parts has then been sent in to Musical Director Dan McDwyer and his team of sound engineers, for mixing into the live versions of the songs that everyone will sing along to during the event.

John McGrath, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of Manchester International Director says: “MIF has a proud history of bringing people from Manchester together to create special moments.  In these challenging times, while we are still unable to gather together in person, it will be wonderful for all of Greater Manchester to unite and support each other through song.  Let’s take to our doorsteps, throw open our windows and create some Manchester magic.”

The doorstep singalong is being captured on the night with drones, street cameras and footage submitted by residents. This will be edited together afterwards along with interviews with artists and participants to produce an extended broadcast at 6pm on Sunday 31 May via MIF LIVE.

Listen to the Spotify playlist below and find out more about Together in One Voice 

Together In One Voice is supported by  Manchester City Council, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Co-Op and Manchester International Festival.