MIF launches The Factory Academy

Through The Factory Academy,  jobseekers will be given opportunities to gain valuable skills and experience to equip them with future careers in the creative industries through our training programme delivered in partnership with leading arts organisations across Greater Manchester. This is part of the vision for The Factory to create jobs, skills and training in the region.

The first opportunity rolled out aimed to develop the next generation of technicians, producers and arts professionals, with 22 people (aged 19-24) from Manchester, registered unemployed, and not qualified above Level 3, enrolled in an eight-week traineeship, where they learnt a variety of practical and development skills delivered by The Factory Academy team. The traineeship included a three-week work placement hosted by a network of cultural organisations in the city where the trainees gained insight into the workings of the creative industries.


Halima, A Factory Academy trainee said “It’s been amazing – one of the best experiences I have ever had”


Following the eight-week course, the trainees had the chance to apply for a Creative Venue Technician apprenticeship – a two-year contract to work in an arts organisation from January 2020. The apprenticeships feature on-the-job training alongside development and skills training, delivered by The Factory Academy.

The Factory Academy launch followed the recent pilot of a Creative Traineeship Programme which involved seven local young people working in roles such as IT, Digital, Production, Ticketing and Development at Manchester International Festival, over seven months leading up to and during the 2019 Festival. Since graduating from the roles, one of the trainees has been directly employed by MIF, one recruited locally into the charity sector and another into an arts role in London.

Describing his experience of the traineeship, Micheal Appouh, Box Office and Ticketing trainee said: “Doing a traineeship at MIF has helped me personally in terms of developing skills and gaining experience, but also demonstrated how to contribute in the working world, understanding responsibility, communicating with co-workers and the responsibility of your organisation.”

Jessica Wilson, Guest Relations trainee, said: “I feel very lucky to have come into MIF and the arts at a time where big changes are happening. MIF is pioneering and diversifying the arts and we are a part of that.”

John McGrath, Artistic Director and Chief Executive at MIF, said: “The Factory Academy is a key part of our vision to put skills and training opportunities at the heart of The Factory. We’re delighted to be working with arts organisations across Greater Manchester to create opportunities for local people of all backgrounds to start new careers in one of the region’s most dynamic sectors.”

Jocelyne Underwood, Skills and Training Director at MIF, said: “The Factory Academy marks the start of a step change for how this sector invests in the backstage talent of tomorrow. Working together, organisations across the region will create new roles and deliver new training to develop the future leaders of this sector.”

You can find out more about The Factory Academy here