Greater Manchester residents are being called on to open their windows and take to their doorsteps to join Together in One Voice for a mass singalong at 7.30pm on Thursday 28 May.

The specially selected soundtrack of songs will be live-streamed on the night for audiences to join in via MIF LIVE, alongside contributions from participating artists and guests.

Audiences can practise the songs ahead of the event by joining a series of on-line rehearsals by Musical Director Dan McDwyer, starting from Friday 15 May.

The event will be captured with drones, street cameras and footage submitted by residents for an extended broadcast at 6pm on Sunday 31 May (also via MIF LIVE). Residents can nominate their streets in advance to be filmed during the event and included in the later broadcast.

Event Director Rose Marley says: “We’re inviting everyone in Greater Manchester to join in and send us their photos and videos as they take part in the event from their doorsteps on the 28 May.  But we are also especially keen to hear now from streets that would like to be featured in our film of the event that will be broadcast on 31 May so that we can organise filming and socially distanced interviews in advance.

“We know Greater Mancunians love their music and singing so we’re expecting them to come out in force on the day. We’re also expecting some very special guest appearances from a few surprise faces who are scheduled to join us on the evening and lead us into songs.”

The idea of connecting people to each other and using the power of music and song to support emotional well-being during these unprecedented times – that have seen everyone affected in some way – is central to the event. 

John McGrath, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of Manchester International Director says: “MIF has a proud history of bringing people from Manchester together to create special moments.  In these challenging times, while we are still unable to gather together in person, it will be wonderful for all of Greater Manchester to unite and support each other through song.  Let’s take to our doorsteps, throw open our windows and create some Manchester magic.

Find out more about the project and nominate your street at Together in One Voice

Together In One Voice is supported by  Manchester City Council, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Co-Op and Manchester International Festival.