Creative Critics Workshops

Workshops have begun as part of our first Creative Critics programme in partnership with All Ways Making, which encourages young people to engage more deeply with art as both audience members and arts critics.

Through Creative Critics, we’ve invited students from Newall Green High School and Manchester Communications Academy to develop their skills in art criticism through a series of pre-Festival workshops, each hosted in their school by local artist facilitators. The first of these have been full of energy and exciting new ideas – and we can’t wait to find out what the Creative Critics think of the work they come to see at MIF19.

As part of the programme, the young journalists get masterclasses with accomplished mentors – one of whom is Simone Riley, presenter of the Dead Good Show on BBC Radio Manchester, DJ and youth work facilitator, who we’re delighted to be working with.

Riley has a long history of engaging with students through both fun and practical mediums and has provided youth projects for high profile clients including Manchester United Foundation, Active Communities, the Rio Ferdinand Foundation and more.

I am extremely excited to be involved in Creative Critics at MIF19 and look forward to working with the students. I hope to provide them with an insightful outlook on being a radio critic as well as bringing out their natural talents. Simone Riley, presenter of the Dead Good Show

Backed by mentors like Riley and our Creative Critics partner All Ways Making, we are helping to make sure that the young critics’ reviews of MIF19 are as fresh and innovative as the work of the Festival itself. Stay tuned for their thoughts on Atmospheric Memory, BELLS FOR PEACE, David Lynch at HOME, Invisible Cities and Tree.